Av. Vereador José Diniz 2270, CEP: 04604-003- Brooklin - São Paulo - SP - Brasil. Tel. +55 (11) 5090-5080/ (11) 9 8437-9824

Controlled Substances

The development of Industry activities, in several parts of Economics requires the use increasingly intense of substances that, on the Brazilian market, are under the rigid control of the Army, Federal Police, Civil Police and National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA.

Some legal and technical pre-requirements shall be followed to turn possible the use of those products, preventing the company to fail with the current legislation accomplishment and with all legal consequences that may arise from it.

The technical support provided by Latini & Associados, includes not only physical-functional suitability and establishment licensing, but also release of manufacturing authorization and/or importation of substances required for maintenance of industrial activities as they were intended, with safety and reliability.