Av. Vereador José Diniz 2270, CEP: 04604-003- Brooklin - São Paulo - SP - Brasil. Tel. +55 (11) 5090-5080/ (11) 9 8437-9824

INMETRO/Ministry of labour

The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality INMETRO - Brazil, authority related to Ministry of Industry and Trade, has as responsibility the standardization of technical guidelines and rules, as well as the inspection of its execution by several companies which manufacture, import and/or trade the products subject to INMETRO control, either through legal metrology or scientific metrology.

The same occurs with products subject to MTB ( Ministério do trabalho - Brazilian Ministry of Labor) control, known as personal protective equipments - PPEs; which require being register by MTB before their marketing.

Our team detains the required technical knowledge and experience for fast process operation in these authorities, allowing them to quickly enter in the market, creating businesses to companies.